Less of Paige

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Less of Paige the Attention Whore...

Yeah. Wow.
So, I whored myself out. Inadvertantly. I PROMISE I didn't know what I was doing. But I commented on Amalah and may have mentioned something about people reading my blog... so what happened?!?!? People CAME HERE. And FIVE PEOPLE made comments.
OMG. I feel so popular.
Don't worry, guys. I will keep it real. I mean, even though I had five comments yesterday, I mean, I'll still keep it real.

I don't even know what I'm talking about. Except, thanks to those of you who came, and read, and commented. That was nice. And thanks to Mrs. CA who gave me helpful hints about blogrolling. Look for one, coming soon.

My weight loss buddy and I, we were having this conversation. About, you know, losing weight and eating right and this time of year. For me it's Thanksgiving (week), then my birthday week, then Christmas (month), thenNew Years... who wants to eat healthy at any of those times? And, I'm not sure if I've mentioned it, but I'm in the middle of ending one job and will be starting another soon. Me? and Limbo? We don't get along? So the eating- has been out of control. Back to the point- she writes this (well it was along the lines of this, because I can't find her exact quote):

I just want to eat and be happy.

We were lamenting weight gain and the frustration of trying to lose weight or at the very least not gain it this time of year- and then how it seems like every time of year there seems to be that excuse.

I have to tell you, especially if this isn't something you struggle with (cuz if you struggle, you already know): this is so damn hard. It's not just about: "well, if she would just eat right- it's less calories in than out. She just needs to eat right and exercise". It's very, very easy for someone who has never really had to worry about weight to say that. And it really, really pisses me off when I hear that. Partially I think because often for me eating is emotional- I eat when I'm upset, I crave comfort food when I feel off-kilter, I eat when I'm bored, if I'm not doing well I have a much harder time making good choices. See, I KNOW that it's about the choices I make. But those choices? Not so easy for me, all the time? And I just wish people realized that sometimes. When eating what you want makes you happy (and trust me, for some of us, it does) eating what you don't want or not eating what you want? Can be hard. And stressful. And tiring.

Just go easy on us. K?


At 12:20 PM, Blogger Mrs. Ca said...

Hey, no problem on the blogrolling thing. I had a hard time figuring it out at first too. Glad to be a new reader - I'm always looking for something to distract me from doing actual work.

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Michele said...

Hi! My first visit and what a great post to suck me in with!
The weight loss thing?
I've been gaining and losing the same 30 pounds for the last 10 years. Because! I love food so much, and eating brings me pleasure like nothing else and sometimes I just get so tired of making the right choices (esp. when the RIGHT choice doesn't taste anything like ice cream or peanut butter cups).
It IS hard. And Stressful. And tiring.
Good luck with your weight loss anyway!


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