I got some new pants this weekend. (thanks Shannon!) They fit me and are not too big on me. I received several nice compliments today and was asked how many sizeds I had dropped.
I have dropped:
I now fit into 14s. I can hardly believe it. I can remember when I was at my highest weight looking at the 14s, and trying some on, and just wanting to cry because they would barely come around my stomach. Much less zip up or be comfortable.
I have done some very hard work. It's funny, and I think some piece of this is because I exercise, but the weight loss has slowed down. I'm approaching 30 pounds, and it's going more slowly. Which is fine. Because my body feels different, and I fit continually into smaller clothes! My body is changing. I measured myself on Monday, and have lost 5 inches in the last couple of weeks- almost an inch in most of the spots I measure myself. What a nice feeling.
It's this stuff, these good feelings, that I need to hang on to when I feel done. Burnt. Tired.
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