Less of Paige

Monday, December 12, 2005

Update and OMG!!

First, the OMG!! Karen, from The Naked Ovary might come here!! She did a post, that she was going to read some blogs, and asked for peoples blogs. So I left it in a comment, and if you're here, Hi, Karen!

Ok. Enough of being a weird blogging stalkerish blogger. That would just be cool.

My birthday? Was good. Except for the crying at Starbucks because I was tired, and they took a long time to get my coffee, and I thought they forgot about me, and I started thinking about how birthdays change when you get older, and there's not all the fanfare, and people have forgotten about me just like how at Starbucks they forgot about my coffee. So I cried. Then got over myself. My husband and I had a wonderful dinner at Red Lobster (we are SO high class). I got some little gifts from him- like this and this. (I don't get much for my birthday cuz he spoils me at Christmas). :) It was just a nice day, overall.

Christmas is coming!! I love Christmas. I am one of those incredibly annoying people who listens to Christmas carols before Thanksgiving. I know, I know. But I can't help it, I LOVE them. Sue me. I love the snow, and the feeling of the season. I love seeing family (ask me again after the TWO Christmases we're having how I feel about that one). I love the feeling of good cheer that prevails. You know. Like how sweet the clerks at stores are (ha ha haaaaaaaaa). I'm done with shopping (most people have stopped reading by now, what with the shopping and the carols), and I get to enjoy. The only problem is this: the tree. See, if I had my way, we'd go the day after Turkey Day and get it. And put it up. And leave it. But my husband? Nooo. That's too early. (too early??? Really?? Is there such a thing?) He likes to do it Christmas Eve. But then, what time do you have with your tree before Christmas? Sitting in the dark with just the lights on, talking. Or just looking? And feeling like you're in the Christmas spirit? So we compromise. Sort of. He just keeps putting it off until I eventually will cry and we'll go.

I am a little worried about the cat and the tree. Lots of people say their cat will leave the tree alone. My cat??? Ha ha HA. That's hilarious. This is the cat that eats string, and styrofoam, and whole wheat pitas, and oil, and butter. And everything else we leave out, edible and inedible. So, we're going to play it by ear. See how it goes. And hope and pray she doesn't tip it over. Or eat the tree. Or something.

Last but not least. I've made an executive decision, about myself. I'm not going to stress out about the weight, until New Years is done. Then, because of my (desire to have children) health and well being, I will be All. Systems. Go. :) Yes. And actually, I weighed myself last week, and was down three pounds. Very, very bizarre. And my jeans are getting loose. How? How is this happening? I'm not going to worry, because, well I'm just not. Right? I'm not.

So Karen, sorry it was so rambly and update-y. I've got some good, emotional posts from earlier. They're, um, somewhere. Meanwhile, my cat is trying to eat the elastic that's currently in my hair so I have to run. I hope you weren't too bored. ;)


At 4:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My cats are just like yours - we joke that they're really dogs the way they eat EVERYTHING. We put our tree up this weekend and so far it's still standing. However, I did come home from work yesterday to find 4 ornaments in various places around the house. I think Rory needs a friend to keep her occupied. Good luck!!


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